As a REALTOR who has been in the business for over 15 years, my clients have had experiences with numerous moving companies, from the big van lines all the way down to the cheapest Craigslist mover. What I’ve found time and time again is that the best bet is to always secure a high-quality, licensed and talented moving company to handle your household goods. Over many years of helping my clients find the best moving company I’ve finally found my match with Christian Brothers Moving & Storage, they are my #1, mover of choice. For the past three years they have been moving my client’s belongings, either locally into their new Denver metro residence or even out of state, and Christian Brothers has proven themselves time and time again with their impeccable track record.
I can vouch for the services that Christian Brothers Moving & Storage provides and know that you will be extremely satisfied once you choose them for your upcoming move. Not only do they showcase some of the most talented and respectful movers that I’ve had the pleasure of working with, their rates are also extremely competitive. Many of my clients have had the opportunity to take advantage of their state of the art, climate controlled storage facility when they have a gap between their move-out and move-in dates. I recommend that you check it out, as you won’t find a cleaner, more secure storage facility in Colorado. Additionally, all of my clients have been thrilled by the fact that Christian Brothers Moving & Storage provides them with up to $1000 of FREE BOXES, where other companies make most of their profits and the cost of your move can start to get out of line.
Ensure yourself the best possible move and choose Christian Brothers Moving & Storage for your upcoming move!
Steven Robertson