Fully Funded: Help Babies Reach Their First Birthday in Uganda

Every year, 1 million babies die before they are a day old, making the first 24 hours the single most dangerous period of life. Many of these deaths are preventable. In response to the dire need, Compassion International concentrates efforts on helping as many babies as possible reach their crucial first birthday.

Compassion’s ministries — in partnership with frontline churches — offer specialized programming to target early childhood survival. These interventions have saved and improved the lives of thousands of mothers and their babies by tackling risk factors head on. Trained specialists support mothers by helping them gain access to prenatal and neonatal health care and providing them with essential nutrition and vitamins. Mothers are empowered with child care instruction and provisions to help their babies overcome the most difficult circumstances. Babies benefit from regular exams that monitor their growth. When problems arise, treatment is provided.

As more frontline churches add Survival services, more mothers and babies benefit. Currently over 1,500 churches reach more than 20,000 mother and baby pairs in a year.

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